Foundation RESQ | Local Installer | Crawl Space Drainage System Experts

Crawl Space Drainage System

WhiteCap Crawl Space System | Certified Installer | Foundation ResQ

Wet or Humid Crawl Space?

Does your crawl space have a problem with excess water? It’s not hard to tell if it does. A wet crawl space will have traces of mold, mildew, and a nasty odor to go along with it. Beyond all the surface-level annoyances though, a wet crawl space can be very dangerous. About 50% of all air you breathe in the upper level of your home comes directly from the lower levels, which means you’re actively breathing all of the toxic mold and mildew from your crawl space. It’s always smart to address these problems quickly.

If you are living with a wet, nasty, or smelly crawl space, then you need a good crawl space drainage system. In addition to draining excess water from your crawl space, we will often pair it with something called crawl space encapsulation. In short, this is the process of sealing your crawl space off from outside forces. After the process, your crawl space will be protected from moisture and humidity, which will prevent future mold and mildew growth and keep your family healthy.

Certified WhiteCap Installer

At Foundation RESQ, we use a method of crawl space care called WhiteCap. WhiteCap does everything that standard crawl space encapsulation and drainage services do, but is much more durable and thorough. Crawl space liners found in home improvement stores will protect your home for a short time, but will quickly tear and degrade. WhiteCap, however, is a permanent fixture in your home and will protect you for years to come.

When the drainage system is installed, you’ll then need to regulate the moisture over time. The best way to do this is with one of our dehumidifiers. Foundation RESQ offers dehumidifiers that offer superior capacity compared to residential models. They’ll remove up to 135 pints of water every single day and can cover areas as large as 5,000 square feet. After you have one of these machines installed, you’ll have peace of mind about the health of your home.

Contact Us Today!

If you’re ready for a solution for your wet crawl space, then it’s time to get in contact with the specialists at Foundation RESQ. The only thing you need to do is fill out our short contact form, and we’ll take it from there. We offer free inspections, so you can always take the safe route without worrying about the cost.

Crawl Space Drainage System